Southampton Hospital School continues to be a good school.
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils who attend Southampton Hospital School are unquestionably proud and happy
here. Depending on their medical needs, pupils may be at the school for short or long
periods of time. Staff quickly build rapport with pupils and their parents. They take care to
understand each pupil’s personality, interests, talents and future goals. Staff reassure
pupils who are admitted to the ward that they can continue learning and keep up with
their schoolwork. As one pupil said: ‘Adults make sure that we never lose our confidence
about learning. Just because we are in a hospital does not mean that school life stops.’
Leaders have high expectations. They understand the challenges that each pupil is facing
personally. Pupils are kind and supportive of each other. Incidents of bullying or
discrimination are almost unheard of. Pupils trust that staff will help them deal with even
the slightest worries they have.
Breaktimes are sociable occasions. As well as catching up with their friends, pupils enjoy
setting up games on the sensory trail. They are keen to look after the environment. For
instance, they take care of the bugs, butterflies and snails in the garden area. Pupils are
working on ideas to increase recycling in the hospital.
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